IRC Extends the Food Program in Honduras and Guatemala

IRC extends its food program amidst the rise of COVID-19 cases in Honduras.

The positive cases for the virus have increased to numbers ranging from 40% to 55%.  Based on these numbers, the Honduran government has suspended any reopening activities for another week and are still in Phase 1 for an undetermined amount of time.

We have decided to continue with the food program and try to raise an additional $6000 to provide food for communities and families who are still not able to travel and get to the stores for their food.

We are grateful and appreciative to all who have donated so far and thank you for allowing us to pass out over 4,600 bags of food thus far.

We are also continuing to feed people in Guatemala as well through Dunc Dyason and the Street Kids Ministry.  They were able to pass out food to some elderly people there as well.

Guatemala Video


If you would like to donate, you can click here, or mail your donation to the address below.

P.O. Box 4214
Covington, LA 70434-4214

We continue to thank you for your donations towards feeding the hungry in the world.


IRC Responds to Needs After Hurricane Laura


IRC Continues to Feed the People in Honduras and Guatemala